
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Day 5 Thursday September 27

Inquiry into Language:
Today Students listened to the first chapter in our novel study, Song Lee in Room. 2B. Students then started to answer some questions about what they had heard from the book so far. 

Today we started to review for our test on Monday. We reviewed Ordinal numbers to 100. The class was given a problem and students came up to the board to explain to the class what to do. 
Students then worked on pg. 26-27 in the Grade 3 Math textbook. 

We then reviewed how to write base ten names and show numbers using base ten blocks. 

Inquiry into:
Today students were given a template of an empty suitcase. They were asked to imagine they were at home and their was a flood coming. They have 2 minutes to pack what they think they will need in their suitcases. Students drew what they would pack. Students were then told they have an extra minute and enough room for two more things. These things do not have to be something they need. What would they pack? 

Students were very thoughtful during this activity. Some students packed their glasses, water, blankets, running shoes, pencil and paper to write, and medical supplies. 

                                                                          Terry Fox Run

Daily five:
Today students created their orange link for orange shirt day tomorrow. Students used pictures and words to explain why all children matter. Students links will be linked together tomorrow and displayed in the school.