Inquiry into Language:
Today students read a short story about Terry Fox as a class and answered some questions based on what they read. Students had to unscramble sentences to form proper ones. Students also had to decide which facts were true and which ones were false. Students were able to complete this work with a partner. Everyone is also excited for our run tomorrow.
Today students practiced rounding three digit numbers to the nearest 10 and the nearest 100. We did two examples from pg. 26 together as a class. When rounding to the nearest ten students were told to write the two nearest tens underneath the question and then pretend they are placing the number on a number line. Which number would it be closer to? We also did something similar when rounding to the nearest 100.
When students had finished they played the game on pg. 27 with a partner.
Reflection using story connection:
Today Sami brought in the book My Beautiful Birds for us to read as a class. The book is about a Syrian family who is forced to leave their homes and leave behind everything they loved. The main character Sami had to leave behind his birds who were his best friends. After reading the story as a class we talked about how the story ties into Needs and Wants.
Inquiry into Citizenship:
Today students were given some pictures and in their groups they had to sort the pictures into wants and needs. Students worked really well with their groups. When students were done each group shared how they had organized their images. When it came to love students had a debate on whether it was a need or want. Students explained that you need love into grow and be happy.
French -
Gym -
Daily five:
Today students were introduced to their first novel study, Song Lee in Room 2B. Students were shown the cover and I read the back cover to give them an overview of what the book was about. As a class we then brainstormed some predictions on what we think the book will be about. Students then completed their own predictions remembering to start with, "I think that........."