Thursday- Wacky Dress If you haven't paid for the day but still want to participate not a problem! Send $2 and come in your wild clothes and hair!
Friday - Dance and casual dress. If your child isn't going to the dance but wants to come in casual dress they can bring a $2 that day.
Today students reviewed how to write a recount. Here are our graphic organizers that we used to help us.
Next we wrote a recount using these
Today we learned about rounding to the
nearest 100. We discussed that if the tens spot is 50 or higher we round up and if the tens and ones spot is
49 or lower we leave the hundreds spot the same and give it a 00 (round down).
Fall Fundraiser Assembly:
These students raised the most money today and got to give Mr. Oliver a makeover.
Today we reviewed our list of Wants and Needs that we made yesterday. Students were then told that their was going to be a flood in Mississauga and that they can only pack 10 things they need. Students were given ten minutes to decide what they wanted to take and they drew them in the bottom part of their suitcases. Students were then told that because they now have some room and a few more minutes they can choose 4 things they want to take with them. Students drew these items in the top of their suitcase.