Special of the month: 3 pancakes with vanilla cream with an option of syrup for $5.00 OR 1 pancake with vanilla cream with an option of syrup for $2.50 on Fridays.
Tuesday - Popcorn
Wednesday - Ice cream Sandwich
Thursday- Wacky Dress If you haven't paid for the day but still want to participate not a problem! Send $2 and come in your wild clothes and hair!
Friday - Dance and casual dress. If your child isn't going to the dance but wants to come in casual dress they can bring a $2 that day.
French: https://mmerawansja.blogspot.com/
Today students wrote their spelling words in their agendas and completed pg. 13-16 in their workbooks.
Gym: https://msvphysed.blogspot.com/
We had an assembly to see who raised the most money today. A student from Mr. Fosters class raised $100 and is now able to sit in Mr. Fosters chair tomorrow.
Today students worked on using base ten blocks to make 1000. Students were also given different scenarios and asked to identify whether it would be more or less than 1000. We completed both page 24-25 together as a class.
We finished our agendas early today so we had some time to do some silent reading.
Today we reviewed what a law/rule is and talked about some rules and laws we have at home, school, and in our community. Students then completed their posters for their law they came up with.