
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day 3 Tuesday September 24

Wednesday - Ice cream Sandwich, casual day
Thursday- Wacky Dress If you haven't paid for the day but still want to participate not a problem! Send $2 and come in your wild clothes and hair!
Friday - Dance and casual dress. If your child isn't going to the dance but wants to come in casual dress they can bring a $2 that day.


Today we talked about what Orange Shirt Day is and why we participate in this event. We used this website, to help us understand what residential schools are and what happened there.

Students were then asked to design a button with the statement, "Every Child Matters." Ms. Hayward will be collecting the buttons and picking one design to turn into a button for the whole school to wear next Monday.


Today students learned how to round three digit numbers to the nearest ten. We reviewed that when rounding to the nearest ten numbers that have a 1,2,3,4  in the ones spot you round down and if it has a 5,6,7,8,9 in the ones spot you round up. We did some examples together as a class and then students did some practice on their own.

They also have another sheet for homework tonight. 

Fall Fundraiser Assembly and House Game:


Today students learned about needs and wants. We watched a Bernstein Bears video, We then made a list of some of our needs and wants.