Riddle of the day: What is full of holes but still holds water? (I will post the answer at 3:30 every day or I can tell you the answer when we have our phone call in the afternoon.
Answer: A sponge!
Answer: A sponge!
Quote for today:
A short message from Ms. Mackenzie: https://youtu.be/2aEJufDx8bU
Learning goal: Conjugate and use the verb “Être”.
Success criteria: I can conjugate and correctly use the verb “Être”.
-The students should take a look at yesterday’s work to review the verb “être” and how they used it in sentences.
-The student will complete the attached worksheet using the correct form of the verb “être”.
Learning Goal: Students will Analyze advertisements
Success Criteria:
-I can define logo
-I can define slogans
-I can define descriptive language
-I can identify logo
-I can identify slogans
-I can identify descriptive language
-I can determine target audiences
-I can share ideas I have about advertisements and their properties
-I use my neatest cursive or printing (if you are still learning cursive)
-I use proper sentence structure and I use proper punctuation
-Students are asked to finish analyzing their add from yesterday. If students have already completed there add from yesterday they are asked to please choose a different add to analyze today.
-Watch this video, https://youtu.be/WHM4ngkmTWM
What is a slogan? Catchy sayings companies use so that you remember them.
What is a logo? The symbol the company puts on all their products.
What is descriptive language? Using descriptive words to describe their products. Not boring words like we talked about yesterday. The company is describing their product to you and telling you why you should buy it.
Descriptive words seen in this example are, creamy, for good nutrition straight from the heart, less sugar.
What is target audience? The types of people they want to buy their products.
- Athletes
-Young girls or boys
-Grandmas and Grandpas
- Moms
-High school students
-University students
-People who are sick
-Students are to pick an advertisement from internet, newspaper, magazine and fill in the provided worksheet to record inferences made from the advertisement. Attached to email
Advertisement links choose one:
PE with Ms. V!
Hello everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed the workout video I had created for all of you! I’d love to see some photos or videos, and I will try to include my puppy Jay in more of my videos and posts!
Today’s task for PE is your choice as I prepare the next YouTube video!
Choose from the list below, or get creative and use your imagination today!
- Ms. V’s Workout Video - https://youtu.be/jaGPih5WR0M
- A video from “Little Sports” - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTIwFB4ciFi5ZCIu-VlwaOg/videos
- Cosmic Kids Yoga - https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga/videos
- Use your creativity and imagination!
*Don’t forget to fill out your activity logs and send me updates via evasconcelos@stjudesacademy.com or on WhatsApp 905-617-2577
The Phys-Ed team (myself, Mr. Orr and Mr. Beresford) have decided to run a competition amongst all students at SJA! Each Wednesday there will be a physical challenge that ends the following Tuesday. If a photo or video is sent to me, you automatically get 100 house points!! On Tuesday next week, we will be choosing a winner from JK-2, 3-6, 7-10. The winner will be chosen based on your ability to properly do the skill and how long you do the skill for. The winner will get 1000 house points!
This week’s challenge is the plank! JK-2 may try the “bird dog”. Try to do a plank for 60 seconds!! You can start with 10 seconds today, try 20 seconds tomorrow, and work your way up to a minute!
Check out my example: https://www.instagram.com/physedwithmsv/
Learning Goal: Students will learn how to make change for a given dollar amount
Success Criteria:
-I can make change for a given dollar amount to $30
-I can count sets of money
-I can represent money amounts in different ways
-I can write money amounts
-I can use pictures to represent money amounts
- Watch these videos, https://youtu.be/CIaygVAUTCE
-Review coin amounts –
-Review how to show coin amounts
1. begin by getting your cents to 00 (meaning 100) cents are located after the decimal!
2. once you hit 100 that means it rolls up the dollar amount by 1 (dollars are before the decimal)
-Students complete provided worksheet Attached to email
-Once complete please upload pictures of work to seesaw account
Learning Goal: Students will use their learned knowledge of time, temperature, counting coins and representing money amounts.
Success Criteria:
-I can use my learned knowledge to complete games
-I can show my learned knowledge
-Students are to use this time to login to knowledge hook and begin their mission for the current math unit. https://www.knowledgehook.com/
Quiet time:
Sign into your RAZ kids reading account - work on the running record assignment click the link https://www.raz-kids.com
When finished you can choose one of these activities to complete.
-board games
Unit Of Inquiry:
Continue previous day learning. If complete move on to below
Learning Goal: Students will learn about natural and human-made structures
Success Criteria:
-I can define man-made
-I can identify man-made structures
-I can define natural
-I can identify natural structures
-Students will learn the difference between human-made and natural structures
-Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXh8e2m6qSM
-Complete objects and structures page. Students are to make a list of as many human-made and natural structures that they can think of.
Attached to email