
Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday March 26

Riddle of the day: What answer can you never answer yes to?  (I will post the answer at 3:30 every day or I can tell you the answer when we have our phone call in the afternoon

Answer: Are you a sleep yet? 

                                                        Quote for today:

Learning goal: Read and understand a text in French, identify silent sounds and the different parts of speech.

Success criteria: I can read and understand a text in French while paying attention to silent letters and identify the parts of speech.

-The students read the attached text out loud twice.
-The students prepare a line paper with the date (Vendredi 27 mars 2020) and the title: Lecture.
-The students copy the text using a neat and clear handwriting, and make sure to skip a line to space their text lines.

-The student will now follow the instructions below:
Ø Souligner les lettres silencieuses (underline the silent letters).
Ø Entourer les sujets (circle the subject nouns).
Ø Utiliser une couleur differrente pour souligner les verbes (use a different colour to underline the verbs).
Ø Trouve la réponse à la question dans le texte et écrit la réponse (find the answer to the comprehension question in the text and write it down).


Moment de détente

Ce soir, Marc regarde un filme drôle. Marc rit beaucoup. Il a les larmes aux yeux. Sa mere lui dit qu’il est bientôt l’heure d’aller dormir. Marc rigole.

Quel genre de filme regarde Marc?

A.   Un filme d’horreur.
B.   Un filme drôle.
C.    Un filme d’amour.

Learning Goal: Students will use 8 of their review words to write a paragraph

Watch this,

Instructions/Success Criteria:
Create a story using your spelling words!!
1. Choose 8 of your spelling words
2. decide if your story will be fiction (not real) or non-fiction (real)
3. write an introduction (Once upon a time, In a land far away, One day. . .)
4. write the body of your story (remember to use sentence starters)
5. write a conclusion (finally, lastly, in the end, in conclusion . . .)
6. Proofread your work time!!!!
 did you use capitals?
 do you have periods/exclamation marks/question marks?
 did you circle your 8 words?
Bonus – Draw a picture!

Once complete please upload pies of work to seesaw account


PE with Ms. V!

Happy Friday everyone!! We made it through the first week of online learning. Congratulations!

For PE today, I have created 2 YouTube videos for you to follow along with. 

Have a fantastic weekend! Check out my Instagram @physedwithmsv for some activities to do this weekend!
Don’t forget to be active! J


Learning Goal: Students will learn how to add money

Success Criteria:
-I can write addition equations vertically lining up the decimal places
-I can add two given money amounts


-Watch this video,

- review carrying over
-Review coin amounts 


Complete worksheet
Attached to email

-Once complete please upload pictures of work to seesaw account


Quiet time: 
-Sign into your RAZ kids reading account - work on the running record assignment click the link

When finished you can choose one of these activities to complete.
- work on your Knowledgehook missions
-board games

Unit Of Inquiry:

Learning Goal: for students to research a famous structure

Success Criteria:
-I can name the materials used in the structure
-I can determine if it is natural or human-made structure

-Watch these videos,


-Students are to pick a famous structure from anywhere in the world and research it. Here are some examples. You do not have to pick one of these you can pick any structure you like. 

                                                         The Colosseum in Rome
                                                                 The Eiffel Tower in France
                                                  The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco 
                                                         The Taj Mahal in India 

                                                              The Lotus Temple in New Delhi

                                                                   The Great Pyramids in Giza 

                                                                 The Arc de Triomphe in France

                                           The Gherkin or also called 30 st Mary Axe in London

                                                         The Moscow Kremlin in Russia 

                                                                 Ulun Temple in Bali

Once complete please upload pictures of work to seesaw account