Here is the link to Ms. Foti's blog to see what the grade 2's did today,
In grade two we learn how to write in the form of an explanation. Today the grade ones wrote an explanation of how to make a snowman. As a class we brainstormed how to make a snowman. We talked about how it is important for the steps to be in order. Students then wrote their own explanation.
Today students learned how to make a proper bar graph. We learned how to give each axis a title and how to add numbers. We also learned how to sort our data to place it on the graph. Once we had finished students go their own candy hearts to graph.
Students were asked to take their candies home and ask Mom or Dad before eating them.
Today students read,
Students then learned a little bit about the Chinese Dragon. Students learned that in China dragons are linked to wealth, power, and leadership. Students also learned that during Chinese New Year people do a dragon dance with loud music and drums. They believe that this dance chases away evil spirits.
Students then watched a video to show them how make their own dragon,