Cookie Love Day - 4 cookies to decorate for $5. This is an event put on by the parent guild. Proceeds from events like these help to bring technology and other items into our school! Please complete order form and send in by Feb.1st in order to participate on Valentine's Day.
On February 5 students can wear red or traditional Chinese clothing to celebrate Chinese New Year.
******Casual Day Thursday, Bake sale Tuesday and Wednesday********
French: Today Mme. Rawan was away.
Language: Today students completed their spelling workout books pg. 73-76.
It is review week this week so students are asked to choose 8 words from their spelling work books to write sentences with on Friday.
Today students wrote their math test.
Gym: Ms. Yustin was away today so I facilitated the gym class. Students played a new game called rock, paper, scissors, train. Students really enjoyed this game.
We also did some skipping, students are practicing cross overs and skipping backwards. For the last ten minutes students played Giant, Wizards, and Elves.