
Friday, November 30, 2018

Day 6 Friday November 30

Today students wrote their spelling test. Students chose five spelling words from the past few works and used them to write a detailed paragraph.

Today students worked on some double digit addition with some regrouping. Students learned how to set their question up so that they know which numbers to add together and in what order.


UOI into Cultures: 
Students today worked on making a poster for their cultural flag that they had researched. Students also used the chrome books to look up how to say hello and goodbye.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Day 5 Thursday November 29

Today we read the book, 
 We then brainstormed as a class some ideas on how to write an introduction and how to explain to someone how to make soup.

Students then wrote their explanations in their journals. 

Today students worked on addition and subtraction problems. Students had to find the missing number in the addition/subtraction sentence.



Today students had another chance to pick out important information on each of the celebrations, Kwanza, Hanukkah, and Christmas. Students then worked together complete their KWL charts.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Day 3 Wednesday November 28

Today students wrote on the last page of their report cards. Students wrote one thing they did well on, one thing they enjoyed doing, and something they would like to improve on next term. 

Students then completed their maps. 

Today students worked on addition a subtraction facts for a set of given numbers. 





Today students shared what they had learned yesterday about the holiday they had yesterday. We then re-read the information together as a class to see what students would like to know about the holiday and completed our KWL charts together.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Day 4 Tuesday November 27


Today students worked on our Learner Profile, Thinker. We read the definition of a thinker that we have in the classroom, " I am thoughtful, I think before I speak and act. I can solve problems creatively and make good decisions." We than brainstormed ideas about what being a thinker means to the students.
Students then filled out their own thinker profile for their IB binders.

Today students reviewed the count up strategy for subtraction. As a class we worked on a few questions from pg.32-33 in their workbooks. Then students had sometime to work on developing this strategy on their own.

We took this time today for students to pick three pieces of their work to put into their IB binders. Students were to pick something they did great on, something they worked their hardest on, and something they think they could improve on.


UOI into Cultures:
Today we started a new unit, Christmas Celebrations around the World. Students were split into groups of three and given some information on either Kwanza, Hunkkah, or Christmas. One represented from each group read the information out to the group and then together students started to fill out the K (what I know) parts of their charts based on the information that they heard. Students will continue this tomorrow.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Day 2 Monday November 26


Today we reviewed our rules for identifying words that have the long a, e, and o sound. Students were also reminded that they will be picking 5 words from the past three lessons to write in a detailed paragraph.
We then continued with our summative presentations.

Today students learned two new subtraction strategies. Finding the difference between two numbers and adding up. Students then started to apply these strategies on pg. 32 in their workbooks and we will continue with this tomorrow.

Students learned how to draw a map. Students then chose what types of map they were going to draw: a treasure map, their bedroom, favourite park, or their neighbourhood. Students started to plan out their maps listing their locations and will finish drawing them tomorrow.


Today students had some time to get new books.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Day 1 Friday November 23

  • Casual Day Wednesday
  • Bake sale Tuesday and Wednesday


Today students wrote their spelling test.

Today students continued to use our addition chart to help us solve addition problems. We did a few examples on the board together reviewing how to use a addition chart. Then students worked on pg. 29 in their workbooks.

We also reviewed how to use ten frames to help us with making ten. When adding two numbers we try to borrow from the other number to make ten and make it easier for students to add. Students practiced this skill on pg. 30 of their workbooks.



Today students presented their summative assignments.