
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Day 6 Wednesday January 22

Dear SJA Community,

We look forward to seeing you at the SJA Town Hall/Social on January 24 from 7 to 9 pm.  All parent/guardians of JK to Grade 12 students are invited to hear about our exciting school year, survey result and future direction. To help us plan for this event, RSVP by January 17 to . We look forward to seeing you there!

Dear SJA Families, 

Just a reminder that the SJA re-registration process is underway. To reserve your child’s 2020-2021 place at St. Jude’s Academy, complete and return your child’s re-registration forms and payment to Reception by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

After this date and time, any available grade-level spaces will be open to new families on waitlists.

In addition, the deadline for our  priority enrolment into our JK Program is Friday, January 17, 2020, a letter is attached with more information.

If you have any questions regarding the forms or next steps, please contact our Admissions Team.

The SJA Admissions Team
Ann Harvey and Melissa Filion
T: (905) 814-0277

Mr. Foster’s Farmers Market and Ms. Gandy’s Groceries

As part of their summative assessment the grade one classes have decided to open a market to complement their organization unit. The market will include fruits, vegetables, drinks and other healthy snacks. It will be held in rooms 12 and 18. The market will take place all day Thursday, January 23rd and Friday, January 24th. All profits made will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House. (Everything will be $1)

Our in-class competition will take place on February 3rd, 2020. Students in Ms. Hughes’ class will be judged by me and the students in Ms. Coldwells’ class will be judged by Ms. Hughes. The top 3 from each Grade 2 classroom will move on to compete for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place on stage on February 6th, 2019.


Students used their brainstorms from yesterday to write an explanation of their favourite toy. Yesterday students were asked to answer these questions in their brainstorm. 
1. describe the look of the toy
2.  describe how the toy works
3.  describe what the toy does
4.  describe what the toy is used for
5. extra descriptions of how/why/what
6. describe how you got the toy

7. does your toy have a name?


Today students learned that when they see a shape that has sides with the same length they use hatch marks to show it. We used the example on pg. 54 and I drew some examples on the board. They also learned what parallel line are. (two lines that will never meet or intersect) They learned that when you have a shape with parallel lines we use arrows to show it.

                                We complete pg. 54 as a class and students completed pg. 55 on their own.

Students continued to work on their summative projects. They used their summative packages to make sure they had everything they needed. 

  •     Name of holiday
  •   date(s) holiday takes place on 
  • symbols that are important/represent the holiday (e.g. shamrock, heart, Christmas tree, flowers, etc.)
  •   decorations, colours, and artifacts used during the holiday
  •  food(s) that are made/consumed during this holiday
  •   games/activities/songs that people take part in during this holiday (e.g. a game like dreidel, advent calendar, egg hunt, etc.) 
  •  something special done for someone else during this holiday (e.g. gift giving, good deed, kind act)
  • meaning behind holiday, why is it being celebrated