Dear Parents and Guardians,
Arts Night is quickly approaching and we are very exited to showcase all of our hard work! We would like to formally invite you, your family, and friends to the JK-2 Hollywood Land Performance! Everyone is welcome to attend both performances of 12:00pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday, May 7th.
Arts Night is quickly approaching and we are very exited to showcase all of our hard work! We would like to formally invite you, your family, and friends to the JK-2 Hollywood Land Performance! Everyone is welcome to attend both performances of 12:00pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday, May 7th.
Please note some important information regarding the evening:
- As parking is limited at the dome, a shuttle bus for all parents will be available beginning at 6:00pm from SJA to the dome and then from the dome back at the end of the performance.
-Students need to be in their classroom by 6:00pm sharp, ready for their performance (costumes, props etc.)
- There is no food or drinks allowed in the dome, but bottles of water and dates will be provided for the end of the performance.
- At the end of the performance students can be picked up in their classrooms at SJA. Due to safety concerns students cannot be picked up at the dome.
We ask that all parents PLEASE enjoy their night and stay until the very end as there is a finale that students are to be present for.
We ask that all parents PLEASE enjoy their night and stay until the very end as there is a finale that students are to be present for.
We are looking forward to a wonderful evening with you! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact or
Today students worked on their review for the test tomorrow. Student's are asked to please complete what they did not finish and go over it tonight to help them prepare for tomorrow.
Today we completed our Learner Profile Balanced. We read the definition we had in our classroom. "I balance different parts of my life (mind, body, and emotions). I am interested and involved in many different things. I understand that taking care of myself is important."
We then brainstormed some ways students can be balanced and students completed a graphic organizer for their IB binders.