
Monday, April 29, 2019

Day 1 Monday April 29

For students attending the Silent Dance tomorrow:
-Students may wear casual clothes
-Students will receive a slice of pizza and juice. (Please look to see if you have ordered lunch for tomorrow. If you have please send a empty container and I will put the lunch you have ordered in the container.)
-Students may also bring change to purchase treats while at the dance

Today students worked in their spelling work books.

This week students will not be writing a spelling test because we are practicing for Art's night. Student's will instead write a story in their green notebooks using all 15 of these words.

1. beat
2. roads
3. mean
4. lay
5. main
6. lower
7. pie
8. tie
9. toes
10. read
11. team
12. faint
13. toast
14. bowl
15. lie

Today we continued to explore capacity. We focused on identifying objects who's capacity can be measured in millilitres. Student's also learned that there are 1000 mL in 1 L.



UOI into structures: 
Today students chose some of their work from our structures unit to put into their IB binders.
-something they did their best on.
-something they did well on.
-something they can improve on.