
Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 2 Friday February 1

Just a friendly reminder that re-registration packages are due by Monday, February 11.  After this time, spots will be opened up to the public and your child will not be guaranteed a space for next year.  We look forward to seeing you back for next year!

On February 5 students can wear red or traditional Chinese clothing to celebrate Chinese New Year.


Language: Today students wrote their spelling test.

Math: Today students worked on naming their shapes and identifying how many vertices and edges the shape has. Students also practiced using a ruler to draw the shapes.

Vertex: The point where two edges/sides meet.

Reflection: Today students presented their speeches to the class. I timed students and provided them with some feedback. Their two stars and a wish have been placed in their agendas.

***Reminder the in class competition is on Monday.*******



Today students continued to learn about pulleys. Students watch a video,

Students were then given a task. Students were asked to work together as a class to build a pulley that could pass notes between our class and Ms. Hughe-Smith's class. Once they had talked through some ideas they tried it. Students were not able to finish so we will try again on Monday.

                                                    Congratulations to our Risk Takers!