
Monday, November 5, 2018

Day 6 Monday November 5

Inquiry into Language:
Today students wrote their spelling words into their agendas. Students then worked on pg. 38-40 in their spelling workbooks. This week students are working on identifying words that have the long u sound. 

Today students learned how to slide/translate shapes on a grid. As a class we worked on pg. 138 in our workbooks. Some students came up to the board and moved the shapes on the grid to help us see whether the shape was slid or not. Then we worked on describing how we know the shape was slid. "I know that the shape was slid because the shapes look the same." "I know the shape was slid because the shape did not change its position." 

                                           Students then worked on pg. 139 on their own. 

Inquiry into Migration

Today students took their research they did last week about the country they chose to immigrate to  and wrote a postcard to their moms and dads. They needed to tell their parents why they left Canada and if it was a push or pull factor and what type of push or pull factor it was. They then described their new life to their parents. They also drew a picture on the post card of somewhere in that country or the countries national flag. Next students will try to write their addresses.

Well done to these students who tried reciting the Guy Fawkes poem!